Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mid-June Posting

Happy Father's Day! Hope everyone took some time today to enjoy their dads. We took Daryl out for Italian food (and I tried a nice Chianti), and otherwise, we relaxed.

Austin was all work, and unfortunately, we never had time to check out the music scene. It was a productive visit, however, and in a few weeks, we should know where we are going next. We did get out one night to eat dinner downtown with some friends, but other than that, the airport Hilton treated us very well. On our last night, we checked out their wine list--not too bad! Daryl found a NZ SB, which was very good, and I tried a Texas Chenin Blanc, light and crisp. You can read about Texas wines here.

This weekend's wine is a delicious Napa Cab: Twenty Bench 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon. Great, great Cab--rich, smooth, nice! Daryl grilled flatiron steaks, and Del made fried rice and stir-fried veggies with chicken. Twenty Bench is an excellent value at around $20, if you purchase it directly from the winery (see the website for details). We'll look for this one again.

As we anticipate moving in about six weeks, we're going into the back of our wine cooler, finding wines we don't even remembering buying, it's been so long. We'll be opening some of these bottles in the next few weeks, and we're looking forward to trying them.

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